Light Leaking Around Drapes
What does it look like?
We often get asked how to prevent or how to lessen/fix light leakage through the window into the room. Paying attention to small details before specifying your drapes can have a big impact on blocking most of the light. Light leakage can happen in multiple different ways!
Explore some problems, reasons and recommendations in this post.
THE PROBLEM Light through the space between the drape and the hardware when specifying ripplefold drapes.
THE REASON Ripplefold drapes intentionally reside below their track, creating a light gap below the track/above the treatment.
OUR RECOMMENDATION Never install inside the window opening, ceiling mount preferred, utilize top treatment as well.
THE PROBLEM Light leaking at bottom, above PTAC or sill/bench.
THE REASON Draperies require 1/2” clearance to traverse properly, naturally creating a light gap.
OUR RECOMMENDATION Ensure treatment rests 2-3” below window opening, or intentionally puddle lengths.
THE PROBLEM Light coming at bottom of floor length windows.
THE REASON Solid surface flooring reflects light and floor to ceiling windows accentuate light concerns.
OUR RECOMMENDATION Utilize area rugs or other light absorption materials, raise floor mullions.
THE PROBLEM Light through one side of one-way draw drapes.
THE REASON One way draw drapes naturally allow light to escape on one side of the treatment.
OUR RECOMMENDATION Ensure treatments abut demising wall or other solid surface, preferably at foot of bed (not headboard).
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