Curved Drapery Hardware
What Do I Need To Know?
Curved hardware is usually specified for decorative public space, angled or curved windows and from a design perspective, it is frequently used at columns or to separate rooms. It is also suggested for corner windows when the window mullions are not thick enough to prevent light bleed.
How do I specify it?
One point to keep in mind during the planning phase is knowing the type of track desired. Some examples of different tracks are decorative, cord drawn, or standard hardware. While curved treatments add personality to a room, there are some limitations. Particularly large or heavy drapery does not fare well traversing, especially through a tight curve. Different manufactures may also have limitations on the curvature or angle of the bend. A floorplan or drawing of the windows is helpful in determining the size of the bend to accurately quote.
What’s different about measure?
At the time of field verification, the Installer will provide measures and a template of the window. A template is an outline of the window curve that is provided to the Project Manager on butcher paper. It will detail the shape of the curve and the number of bends that are needed. The Installer will also note the site conditions which will determine if treatments require additional brackets or ceiling clips to secure the hardware.
Then what…?
Project Managers will confirm the basics with the Designer or Customer and note any challenges due to site conditions. Some confirmations are: the type of track, direction of the curve and if it will match or differ from the window structure. Confirming the direction of the curve is critical if the drapery is in the middle of a room.
What are the cost factors?
There are relative cost increases when selecting curved hardware instead of straight tracks. One of these is an increase for the installation and the cost of the template. In addition, the cost of shipping should be considered. To avoid the risk of hardware getting damaged, it is usually shipped in a crate, which increases the shipping cost. However, based on the size of the hardware, splicing is a possibility which could be cost savings for shipping.
Hyatt Regency
Fairfax, VA
Dressing curved windows is a great choice that helps enhance any room with a touch of elegance. It adds personality to any space and can definitely help bring the room together. Once the hardware is selected, direction of curve is specified, logistics are worked out, and all factors are considered, you’re on the road to success for adding that great touch to the room.
If you have any questions about this post or any other drapery resource, don’t hesitate to get in touch! We’re here to help.
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