What Are Drapery Returns?
An often overlooked feature for drapery panels is the drape return. It is not uncommon that interior designers will have some confusion around this term. Though, in theory, it is rather straight forward and even overlooked due to its simplicity. A clear grasp on the term’s meaning and usage will help assure the final drape design has the function of light fastness.
Drapery returns are simply extra fabric on the end of a drapery treatment that turns the corner from the hardware and ‘returns’ to the wall. Drapery returns should exist on the end of all drapery treatments, opposite of the traversing direction. These returns are made in different widths depending upon the distance a treatment is from the wall which is usually dependent upon the number of treatments.
For Supporting Information…
Check out our post Spacing Requirements for Drapes
Do notice that we have spoken of returns as if they are assumed, and they are most of the time, but you should always follow up with the drapery manufacturer as the drapery return is essential to block light leakage on the side of windows.
There are a few different times where returns are not used; when treatments are spanning from wall to wall (sometimes a small return is used and only on the treatment closest to the room), and never on the traverse side of a panel, and when there are stationary side panels. For the latter, returns are sometimes specified, so that the drapery has a clean finished look on the sides, but they are not needed.
It is always a good idea to include your returns on drapery specifications to ensure guestroom design is up to par. Returns cannot be added after install, as they require extra fabric and additional items on the drapery hardware.
We hope this was helpful. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
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